Sunday, January 25, 2009

So Maybe I'm an Amateur...

I'm completely new to this blog thing, but it seems to be a popular hobby that I thought I would try. My 23rd birthday is in two weeks and I've been hinting around to my parents that I would love to get a new digital camera, but we will see how that turns out. Until then, I apologize for the lack of recent pictures. (My boyfriend Tyler got me a nice 10 megapixel digital camera for graduation.... and I broke it already. I don't believe I'll be asking him for another camera anytime soon!!) I may not be able to provide pics or videos for all of my blogs, but I definitely will have some interesting stories to tell. I often joke that my life is so crazy that I could be a stand up comedian just talking about my daily encounters with people. Honestly, what fun would life be if we couldn't laugh at ourselves and each other?

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